“You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you." -J.M. Barrie One of my longest, dearest friends, Aaron, recently celebrated his 24th birthday. This may be a little late but once I had the idea it took me a few days to put it together...
Aaron is a brilliant dancer. He oozes with so much talent and natural ability. I remember being very young and we were in a rehearsal when the choreographer asked him to do a jump in a la seconde (second position in ballet terms.) I watched him levitate with grace and ease and it seemed as though he hovered in the air just waiting to be told to come down. As time went on and he grew and matured in his artistry and technique, more power and strength filled his movement, especially the jumps and leaps. Jumps in second became his signature move. The flexibility and height he obtains takes my breath away. When my passion for photography was unleashed 7 years ago, Aaron was one of the first of my dance friends I photographed and the a la seconde leap has made an appearance at least once in every photoshoot we've done together. Changing up the arm placement is our favorite challenge! So to wish Aaron the HAPPIEST BELATED 24TH BDAY, here are 24 of Aaron's a la seconde portraits from our sessions over the years. I love you, King. More than I could ever say.
"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." -Mother Teresa (my current fave quote!) My oldest sister, Ashlyn, lives in Arizona with her husband, Mike, and FIVE of my adorable niece and nephews. Sadly we aren't able to visit one another as often as we'd like so thank goodness for FaceTime for letting me watch them grow and continue connecting with them. It happened to work out that we were all in Houston over the summer visiting our mom and sisters. Well when you're with Aunt C, a photoshoot is inevitable. So on one of our many hot days in Houston we headed over to the beautiful Sylvan Rodriguez Park for a little photo session! I snapped some fun individual shots of the kiddos as well as a few portraits of everybody all together! Ashlyn and Mike are such great examples of parenthood. They make a great team and teach their children love, honesty, respect, trust, patience, responsibility, service, and kindness. And they make such beautiful babies!! I treasure time spent with this wonderful family of mine. AverySpunky, unique, and marching to the beat of her own drum. Though Avery is her mother's doppelgänger, she's MY mini me through personality (can you say dramatic?). She has my heart completely! Ever since she was little she's had the funniest sense of humor and says the darndest things! I couldn't be more proud of the mature and confident young lady she's growing up to be. EmmaOh Emma. This little niece of mine is quite a hoot. Facetiming with her is nearly impossible (you're either looking at the ceiling or feeling extremely dizzy from looking at a shaking screen) but our conversation are always silly and playful. She always has a little twinkle in her eye and I love her imagination. It was especially sweet photographing her in her smocked "Dorothy" dress as it was mine once upon a time... Sweet sisterhood, I love it so much. BrandonBrandon is the first boy in our family and is certainly "all boy"( if you know what I mean!). He loves pirates, bugs, superheroes, making messes and has the cutest little whining voice. And isn't he the cutest little model? The camera loves him and so do I. Brandon, please don't ever grow up!! AmeliaAmelia is the biggest sweetheart. Its so funny to think that she was once this little thing that refused to speak because now she's a little chatty cathy and a social butterfly. It's so sweet to see how her personality blossoms and grows. She takes after her mother with her thoughtful and kind nature. I love that when she smiles her whole face lights up- what a cutie pie. AndrewOoh baby baby!! It may have taken a while to meet my newest Nephew but it was worth the wait! Andrew is the happiest baby (happy as long as Mama's around!)and I was ecstatic for our first photoshoot together. Ashlyn has trained him well- he sat perfectly for me and flashed an array of cute faces and smiles at the camera. A baby in a sailor outfit and overalls, does it get much cuter?! Happy early birthday to Miss Amelia!!
Meet Caitlin!Loves: my husband, golden age movie musicals, red lipstick, fall leaves, rainy mornings, dressing up, jazz music, yellow tulips, tap dancing, and taking your photos (yes YOU!) Archives
June 2020